Global Nuclear Security: Fifty Years after the Cuban Missile Crisis
Fifty Years after the Cuban Missle Crisis
Science in Support of Nuclear Arms Control and Security
Fifty Years after the Cuban Missle Crisis
Science in Support of Nuclear Arms Control and Security
This program addresses the nonproliferation challenges associated with the burgeoning global renaissance of the commercial nuclear sector. Amid shifting technological, strategic, market, and legal landscapes, the nuclear weapons “have” and “have-not” states alike have struggled to extend credible commitments to separate civilian and military nuclear programs; and to provide secure, equitable, reliable, verifiable, and non-discriminatory fuel supply guarantees and spent fuel management.
Exploring international diffusion and innovation issues in the information technologies.
The Politics of Innovation: Why Some Countries Are Better Than Others at Science and Technology
More than 1.5 billion people in over 200 countries now spend a great deal of time in cyberspace. We work and shop there. We are educated and entertained there. We socialize with family, friends, and strangers in cyberspace. We are paid and we pay others through this medium. Tens of millions of commercial enterprises, and local, state, national, and international agencies do their business there. It has become a critical infrastructure in its own right, and it is embedded in almost all other critical infrastructures.
This program explores information and communication technologies (ICTs) - in particular the internet and mobile networks - in low-income and low-infrastructure countries and contexts. This field is sometimes referred to as ICT4D (information and communication technologies for development). We are always on the look-out for new and exciting research prospects!
The Sam Nunn Security Program, funded by the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation’s Science, Technology, and Security Initiative, exists to expand the role of scientists and engineers in the realm of international security policymaking. The program is guided by a belief that the solutions to problems such as arms proliferation, critical infrastructure protection, and economic and environmental security will not be revealed in the absence of adequate scientific and technological understanding.
The MacArthur Foundation: The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation sponsors group and individual research to foster security and progress for humanity.
Ph.D. Student
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Ph.D. Student
Industrial & Systems Engineering
Ph.D. Student